Head ExUIDPs Discusses with Swiss Ambassador to Yemen the IDPs Situations and Needs

Head of the Executive Unit for IDPs Discusses with the Swiss Ambassador to Yemen the IDPs Situations and Needs
The Head of the Executive Unit for IDPs, Mr. Nageeb Al-Sady, discusses with the Swiss Ambassador to Yemen, Mr. Thomas Ortel, the needs of IDPs and the required durable solutions to address displacement issues.
During the meeting held at his office in the Executive Unit, Mr. Al -Sady explained to the Swiss Ambassador the situations of the displaced persons, adding that the Yemeni government’s position is to direct towards durable solutions, as they are an integral part of the peace process. He pointed out that the government has a strategy for durable solutions, which is the National Policy for Addressing Internal Displacement, which is a legal basis and reference for humanitarian work.
Mr. Al -Sady provided a brief presentation on the Executive Unit for IDPs and the Yemeni government’s efforts exerted for durable solutions and their priorities and requirements to achieve them. The most notably of these priorities and requirements is involvement of all government authorities in the process of durable solutions, each in its field, and provision of the most prominent technical needs for the Executive Unit to help it to perform its work.
The Head of the Executive Unit pointed out that it has established the Planning of Return and Durable Solutions Department and he indicated that it is necessary to support the capacity building of government authorities in durable solutions and providing them with experts in a way that would raise the performance level.
Mr. Al –Sady stressed that the involvement of the government side in the planning process and the close coordination between the government authorities and UN agencies and international organizations to achieve durable solutions is a very important issue to ensure an effective and smooth workflow and to avoid repeating any previous mistakes.
For his part, Mr. Thomas expressed his admiration that the Yemeni government has a clear strategy for durable solutions, adding that Yemen precedes many countries in this aspect. He also pointed out that he agrees with the Executive Unit regarding the importance of having a complete and unified database of displaced persons and returnees, as this will ensure good planning for durable solutions.
Mr. Radman Zoukari, Head of the Civil Society and Human Rights Department, and Mr. Mohammed Abdulhamid, Head of the Local Authority Department attended the meeting from the General Secretariat of the Prime Ministry.