Report on Tracking Displacement and Departures in Yemen May 2024

Report on Tracking Displacement and Departures in Yemen May 2024
Report on Tracking Displacement and Departures in Yemen May 2024

The executive unit monitored, from January 1 until May 31, 2024 (7,664 individuals from 1,430 families) who were internally displaced. These families were displaced from 9 different provinces and distributed across 6 provinces.

Meanwhile, between May 1-31, 2024, (701 individuals from 147 families) were displaced for the first time, and (326 individuals from 66 families) were displaced a second time. Most of these families were displaced from Al-Hodeidah province by (47%) and (36%) from the provinces of Al-Salih, Al-Bayda, Lahj, Dhamar, and Ibb.

During the same period between May 1-31, 2024, (39 individuals from 8 families) left their areas of displacement, and (206 individuals from 39 families) moved or were displaced for a second time, while (110 individuals from 19 families) returned to their original homes.

Download the report: Report on Tracking Displacement and Departures in Yemen May 2024