Report on Displacement and Migration Movements in Yemen – July 2024

Report on Displacement and Migration Movements in Yemen – July 2024
Report on Displacement and Migration Movements in Yemen - July 2024

The Executive Unit for the Management of IDP Camps in Yemen announced that from January 1 to July 31, 2024, a total of 10,923 individuals were internally displaced. These families were displaced from 15 different governorates and have been distributed across 9 governorates.

According to the monthly report issued by the unit for July 2024, during the period from July 1 to July 31, 2024, a total of 2,120 families (10,923 individuals) were displaced for the first time. Among them, 205 families (1,117 individuals) were displaced for the first time, and 67 families (291 individuals) experienced secondary displacement. Most of these families were displaced from Taiz Governorate, accounting for 32%, followed by Marib Governorate at 18%, and Al Dhale’e Governorate at 10%, with between 1-3% from Saada, the Capital Municipality, Ibb, and Al Hudaydah Governorates.

During the same period from July 1 to July 31, 2024, the unit recorded 874 individuals who left their current displacement locations, with some returning to their original homes and others moving to second displacement locations.

The Executive Unit also tracked returnees and recorded 834 individuals (156 families) who returned to their original homes during July.

**Download the report PDF: Displacement and Migration Movements Report in Yemen, July 2024.